Selasa, 20 Maret 2012

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 (Letter Block Style)

Nama : Windi dwi Saputro

Kelas : 4 EA 11

Npm : 11208292

Letter Block Style


14 Kawasan Industri

Indonesia, INA 14520

Ref. NR/SB/8A 20 October, 2012

Mrs. Santiana Rodriguez

Finance Manager

General Electronic Corporation

Grand Indonesia 26th floor

52 midle street

Indonesia, INA 14520

Dear Mr. Michael carrick

We have received your letter of 11 October requesting 10 additional days within which to pay the amount of Rp.45.000.000 due us for purchase you made last February.

We are glod to inform you that we could coorperate and will grant you the extra days you asked for in which to make full settlement.

We hope the extension we give will be of help to you and look forward to receiving your settlement.

Your sincerely,

Putri Dwi Lestari

Accounting Manager

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